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The Akashic Prayer

How to Enter Your Records

Dear Akashic Wisdom Keepers of Light,
I (state your name) ask to access my personal records.

I invite all sacred beings of love and light to come 
forward to assist with giving knowledge, guidance and
healing that is needed at this time.
The records are now open.
The records are now open.
The records are now open.


Closing the Records


I wish to thank the Akashic Wisdom Keepers of Light

for allowing me to receive the highest truth and healing today.

I ask that the healing and guidance be fully and gently integrated

with my soul and it to be in alignment with my higher self

On all levels, across all dimensions and timelines.

So it is, so be it.


The records are now closed Amen.

The records are now closed Amen.

The records are now closed Amen.



Guidelines for Opening Records

  • Create sacred space and set your intention. (Have some questions ready)

  • Ask the ego to step aside for a bit to allow for the Akashic information to come through

  • Open the records by using the prayer, the symbol, or just asking.

  • Take some deep breath to clear your mind and align your body and allow the river of information to start to flow through your chakras.

  • Speak, record, write down, what information has come to you.

  • When complete close the records with the prayer symbol or just asking the records to be closed for now.


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